Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Green Tea proven beneficial to your heart

Green Tea proven beneficial to your heart

A new green tea study conducted at the Athens Medical School in Greece has shown that the flavonoids in the tea, which act as antioxidants and reduce inflammation, keep blood vessels pliable. So what does this mean for your heart? Flexible, relaxed arteries (blood vessels) can more easily tolerate a person’s constantly changing blood pressure. The cells found within these blood vessels can now easily secrete the material needed to relax the vessels, allowing unrestricted blood flow. The antioxidants found in green tea may also prevent clots, which may ultimately lead to heart attacks.

In a study done in Greece, it was found that subjects who drank green tea had a greater dilation of arteries in the heart when compared to subjects who drank hot water or diluted caffeine. This proved that the results were not due to the small amounts of caffeine found in green tea, because those who drank the diluted caffeine beverage did not show any additional dilation of heart arteries. What is more interesting, those who consumed the green tea beverage still exhibited more dilated arteries after two weeks compared to when they began the study. This study demonstrates that drinking green tea is beneficial, even over time.

Some doctors are not completely convinced, however, that green tea is all it is cracked up to be, since other elements such as vitamins E and C can also aid heart function. One doctor, though he agrees that green tea does have its benefits, feels that people should not assume that by drinking the tea alone, they will be preventing a heart attack or stroke. However, it probably wouldn’t hurt to include it in your heart-healthy diet, along with the other dietary recommendations made by the American Heart Association .

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Joseph Miklos
Silberstein, Awad & Miklos
600 Old Country Road
Garden City, New York 11523
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