Friday, October 9, 2009

Autism Research Finds Possible Genetic Links

According to a recent study published in scientific journal Nature, there may be an association between autism and a single-letter change on chromosome 5, which is close to a gene called semaphorin 5A. People have two copies of chromosome 5, one from each parent. Changes in genes on this chromosome are related to many genetic conditions, possibly including autism.

It is thought that semaphorin 5A helps the growth of neurons and their long fibers called axons, which carry outgoing messages. In people with autism, researchers found that this gene seems to have has less activity.

An international research panel examined the DNA of individuals with autism, family members of those individuals, and people with no relation. They found that these new areas of the brain may be linked to autism. They also found a potential tie linking pieces of chromosomes 6 and 20 and autism.

This new research is “an important step forward,” according to co-author Dr. Mark Daly. Future studies following this research may give scientists a better grasp of the link between genetics and autism. Although there is no single-known cause for autism, there is a possibility that medical negligence may be associated with some cases of autism. If your child has suffered an injury that may have been preventable, please call or e-mail us today. Our experienced birth injury attorneys will evaluate your case for free. We serve clients with Bronx birth injury, Brooklyn birth injury, Queens birth injury, and Long Island birth injury cases.

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