Monday, September 17, 2007

American Cancer Society

Today the American Cancer Society, Announced that it will be spending $15 million in advertising related to the issue of providing health insurance coverage to those who have no insurance or very little insurance. In the past the American Cancer Society focused on quitting smoking or getting a screening test such as chest x-rays or mammograms.

This marks a major change in the societies role in shaping health care policy. The society hopes to reduce the death rate by 50% from cancer and reduce the incidence of cancer to 25%. They feel that the lack of insurance is interfering with achieving this goal.

To achieve its goal, the cancer society will advertise on network and cable TV and place ads in magazines and on websites. Curiously no mention is made of reducing the incidence of malpractice which causes a delay in diagnosis and treatment. We've handled many cases in which there was such a delay in diagnosis and treatment all to the detriment of the patient and their families. It cannot be said often enough that an early diagnosis and treatment is key to a successful prognosis and cure.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer and have questions about the quality of the medical care you received please call Silberstein, Awad & Miklos' attorneys for answers. Together we will continue our fight against FRIVOLOUS DEFENSES and DECEPTIVE DEFENSES.
Call Toll-free 1- 877- ASK 4 SAM

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