Sunday, September 9, 2007

Cesarean section

Cesarean section is the birth of a baby by an abdominal incision . This is opposed to a vaginal delivery by traditional methods. A cesarean section is considered by the medical profession to be a major operation, and current the risks of infection, blood loss and decreased bowel function. Add onto that the risks associated with anesthesia and the delayed recovery time of about four to six weeks.

Today, there are approximately 1.2 million cesarean sections were 30% of all births performed. These represent 2004 statistics. The trend is rising in alarming proportions. In 1996 the rate was approximately 20% . Federal Government is hoping for a 15% rate by the year 2010.

One factor sparking the trend toward cesarean section is the perceived risk of a vaginal delivery after cesarean section. Indeed, a look at the position the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists / and the relevant medical literature over the years will disclose a wide swing in recommendations. Medicine has become more acutely aware of the risks of the procedure and the risks associated with related procedures such as induction and the use drugs to facilitate labor. Another factor, is the perceived convenience to the mother, family and health care professionals. Many would argue that there are other factors leading to a rising trend such as fear of liability, rising epidemic of obesity, and a lack of medical vigilance. In any event the cost of a rising C-section rate is being paid for by all in terms of taxes and health insurance premiums.

The medical profession need accept its ability. Cesarean sections should not be offered to women unless there is a valid medical reason. Convenience is not qualified as a reason. The health of the mother, the baby are both must be at stake.

Our office has handled many many cases where cesarean sections have been delayed or inappropriately performed .If you or a loved one has medical malpractice questions in New York, please contact the Malpractice Law Offices of Silberstein, Awad & Miklos, serving clients in Nassau and Suffolk Counties and Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens,. Staten Island and Westchester County

This may be considered a legal advertisement.

Silberstein, Awad & Miklos
600 Old Country Road
Garden City, New York 11523
phone 877 ask 4 sam

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